
Materials We Process
Gold Karat Scrap
Gold Karat Scrap with Precious Gem Stones
Silver Jewelry Scrap
Silver Flatware
Jewelry Bench Filings
Jewelry Polishing Residues
Dental Scrap
Dental Grindings
Dental Vacuum Bags & Suction Units
Each various type of scrap has it’s own unique process for refining. Standard gold lots can be processed within 24 hours of receipt. Polishings, filters, sweeps or anything that should need to be incinerated and ball milled can take 10-15 business days for processing.
In precious metal refining, faster is NOT always better.
All of our gold lots are assayed using a process called “Fire-Assay.” A fire-assay is the physical separation of gold from the base metals of an alloy. Fire Assay is literally the gold standard of refining. No pun intended.
Be cautious of a refinery that solely utilizes XRF or X Ray Fluorescence technology. While cost effective and non-destructive, these machines aren’t anywhere near as accurate as a fire assay.
For low concentration or platinum group metals, a process known as ICP (Inductively coupled plasma) is utilized to accurately identify precious metal content with an impressive 99.999% accuracy.
With full trading desk capabilities, Contemporary Refining & Recycling Solutions has multiple different pricing options available to our clients. We understand each of our clients business needs are unique so we allow them to choose whichever option best suits their needs.
Option #1 – Live Spot Price – With our live trading desk, clients are able to lock in current spot pricing during trading hours with their designated account manager.
Option #2 – Consignment / Pool Account – Clients have the option of sending in their materials to be processed and held in a secure account until they are ready to sell.
Option #3 – If neither of the above options are selected, our default method of pricing is to settle on the London PM Fix Price, the day after our receipt of the material.